
Conscious Relationship: Living the Possibilities of Deeply Loving

Many of us are yearning to move through life joyfully, enlivened, and fully engaged. Still, it is challenging to achieve this as a way of life and even more so in shared life with another. It is rare to experience relationships which are both a loving sanctuary and a place where individuals are called to their thresholds of personal growth with a sense of real possibility. We see very few partnerships where this is embodied. This workshop is intended to be a doorway to consciousness relationship; to rela8onship as a true home for the expansive heart.

There is a commonality to the mostly unconscious patterns that arise in the vulnerability of intimacy, that cause reactivity rather than responsiveness. Freedom from these is often at the heart of being able to live with another in a deeply loving way. In this workshop, the
approach for identifying and shifting the dynamics that create distance and disconnection rather than safe attachment and real closeness, will be pragmatic and specific. Each couple will come to identify what might be shifted internally, behaviorally, and systemically for their rela8onship to move towards expansive love; to open the possibility of living authentically and freely, able, to live in a flow of love and life with each other.
Couples Only:

    • 1st Day: 6 hours
    • 2nd Day: 3 hour follow up
Embodying Real Love

Intimacy brings us to our edges like nothing else. The vulnerability of it evokes both the tender places of our early woundings and the broadest expanses of our most spacious hearts.
In more than three decades of working with couples, I have observed elements that are present ways of being and relating that lead towards deeper intimacy, and others that lead away from it. In this workshop, I will offer pragmatic relational tools that emerged from what I have learned about this, along with the specifics of how to use them.
Strategies and frameworks for consciously navigating ones “edges” in intimacy, as profound opportunities for personal and spiritual growth, will also be offered. Understanding and cultivating a sense of emotional safety with another person while being in the moment, with real presence and vulnerability, can transform relationships into the juicy place of exponential awakening; a vessel for living in the flow of expansive love.
Individuals or couples 4 hours

Telling one’s story and getting free of it

Each of us has a story to tell about what our life experience has been. The mindful telling of ones story reveals themes and patterns that expose the life challenges we are here to expand through what our greatest lessons are. Understanding the story with clarity gives an opportunity to consciously meet these challenges in a new way, transforming old patterns that no longer serve.
In this workshop, each participant will have the opportunity to cull out and tell their own story. In having it reflected back, they can become aware of the choice points in the present that would either continue to create and reinforce the old story, or in which they could choose differently and get free of it.
Outside of any story, we are able to be more fully present; joyfully engaged and responsive in the moment.
8 hours